Category: Business

Why I Do All My Recruiting Through LinkedIn

by Rebekah Campbell | August 19, 2014
Recruiting the right team member is always difficult. I start off knowing that I need someone to perform a task, and imagine what qualities that person might possess. How, in a sea of people, can I find my ideal candidate? In the past, I would have posted job ads on all the appropriate websites and […]

Letting Someone Go With Dignity

by Rebekah Campbell | August 7, 2014
Obviously, it’s no fun to get fired. But it’s also no fun to be the one doing the firing. I have heard it said that the stress of terminating someone’s employment can reduce your lifespan. I certainly know that I’ve awakened in a sweat the night before I have to have “the conversation” with someone. […]

When Hiring Employees in Poorer Countries, Difficult Moral Questions Arise

by Rebekah Campbell | July 22, 2014
Earlier this year, I wrote about the issues I’d encountered while building an outsourced office in another country. We’ve now expanded to a team of 14 in Manila, and we recruited everyone there using processes similar to those we use at home. I’ve worked out of the office there and have come to know each […]

How to operate for growth

by webmaster | January 1, 1970
In this lesson, you’ll learn how the team at Airtasker operate. You’ll learn how to choose the right North Star Metric, how to set goals, run a team using OKRs and how Airtasker remain agile and ’scrappy’ while working fast and remaining focussed.

Email marketing to improve retention

by webmaster | January 1, 1970
In this lesson, you’ll learn the different email funnels to develop to increase your customer retention. You’ll learn some of the biggest mistakes people make in email marketing and tips on how to improve your email deliverability and open rates. Vincent will share some of the most important email funnels for Airtasker and you’ll learn how to develop contextual campaigns to drive customer engagement.

Introduction to retention

by webmaster | January 1, 1970
In this lesson, you’ll learn the right way to define if a ‘retained customer’ for your business and how this definition is different depending on what your product does. You’ll learn the different internal and external triggers to use to increase customer retention and look specifically at how businesses with products that are purchased infrequently can increase customer loyalty.

How to conduct customer research

by webmaster | January 1, 1970
In this lesson, you’ll meet Aaron who leads customer research at Airtasker and previously worked in the same function at Google. Aaron will share how to approach customer research to work out both what and why your customers are doing certain things. He’ll talk through when to use survey’s vs interviews, how to find the right candidates for both, how to prepare and what questions to ask. In the second part of this lesson, you’ll get to see Aaron conduct a real customer interview and learn his techniques to build rapport and draw out insights that Airtasker can use as the basis for the development of growth experiments.

Improving Activation: Airtasker Case Study

by webmaster | January 1, 1970
In this lesson, leaders from the product and performance marketing teams share how they came together to develop a number of growth experiments to improve the assignment rate of tasks posted on Airtasker. You’ll learn how the teams hypothesised, shared information and how a number of simple improvements led to significant growth of the business.

Growth experiments and the ICE Framework

by webmaster | January 1, 1970
In this lesson, you’ll learn how Airtasker run growth ‘experiments’ to hypothesise and test tactics to drive growth. Joel shares how Airtasker have improved upon the ICE framework to prioritise experiments, where the best ideas come from and how to develop a growth operating rhythm for your business.

Introduction to activation

by webmaster | January 1, 1970
In this lesson, you’ll learn how to define an activated customer in your business. Andrianes will introduce the concept of ‘jobs to be done’ and lead you to a deeper understanding of why some customers are using your product. You’ll learn the four reasons customers won’t activate - none of which are related to time or cost. Andrianes will dive into ‘customer motivation’ and talk though some tactics to increase the motivation for people to try your product now. You’ll also learn which segments of customers to focus on for growth, which customers will lead to an increase in revenue and how to get feedback from the one group that matters most. This lesson is full of insights and tactics for anyone looking to increase customer conversion.
